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Jan. 22, 2024

Fully a week after getting laid off, and declaring my intention to do a new piece of artwork every day, I haven’t done a single ONE. Life keeps getting in the way. I’ll clear space both on my desk and in my head to start sketching, then real life interrupts: deliveries to accept, appointments to ferry people to, etc. And by the time I have room once again to consider drawing, I’ve lost all my energy to do so.
Sure, one might say that you should draw regardless of if you feel like it or not. I’ve passed that advice along myself. But without any other goad, I’ve been hard-pressed to motivate myself. Same with the writing I’ve been trying to accomplish. My muse has maybe not LEFT me, but is playing Switch around the corner and is ignoring my hapless entreaties.
Oh, X-Men drama, I can’t quit you!
For those of you who don’t read my ongoing “UNEARTHED” series of comic book exegesis, I’ve been going through Chris Claremont’s beloved classic “God Loves, Man Kills”. And y’know what? I’m having a tough go of it. Claremont’s my absolute favorite X-Men writer, but although I’ve read this graphic novel many times over, for some reason THIS time around I’m not digging it. Which, as you’d expect, is really messing with my attempt to discuss it with any kind of exuberance.
I’m finding the plot to be really leaden. I’m not crazy about the art. I am, in fact, discovering that I’m not sure why this is still considered a classic, Kitty’s use of the n-word notwithstanding.
You read that right. Go read the first installment of this series for confirmation: https://comicsbreakdown.com/2023/12/15/unearthed-god-loves-man-kills/
The new installment should go up this week, but I’m having to force myself to do it, and that’s no good.
Make him an offer he can’t refuse.
Other than that, it’s been a slow week of job searching and self-doubt. The fresh start the new year promised vanished quickly. I feel adrift. Nothing’s sticking, nothing’s inspiring. However, I have discovered this:
AntsCanada is this amazing YouTube channel, in which some guy owns a giant vivarium and has stocked it with rainforest creatures. And roughly weekly he films a video about the latest goings-on in the environment. And it’s riveting. Not kidding, I love this series. You might, too! Check it out; here’s the first one I saw (I’m late to this): AntsCanada
I’ve also started reading “Flood” by Andrew Vachss. It’s New York hard-boiled fiction about a guy named Burke who purposefully lives outside the system and takes care of things for people. It’s gritty and enjoyable, and the author draws on his experience being a lawyer who exclusively takes on cases involving child abuse.
LAST-MINUTE MENTION: I just watched a movie called “The Wolf House” and I think everyone should see it. It may be the most incredible piece of long-form animation ever produced.

That’ll be it for me this week. Here’s hoping I return to my normal self and start up the ol’ hand-cranked creativity whatsit. I’m feeling the press of time. I’m trying to see this unemployment as my opportunity to Get Shit Done. I just have to force myself, I think. Next week we’ll see how that goes. Until then, here’s your Reality Check: The Backrooms (Found Footage)